Wednesday, December 6, 2017

The Hodgepodge Welcomes December

Oscar & Tasha would like to say...

 And welcome to another edition of the Hodgepodge...

...where Joyce from This Side of the Pond asks us the questions
and we answer them on our blogs.
So this is what my weekend looked like....

Hmmm...looks like that wise man is praying for the angel who fell from the!
I promise you, everyone is now properly situated in their places.
And after the tree was all decorated, I found these lovelies tucked away in the laundry room.
(The walls in my living room are not really orange...just the reflection of all those colored lights!)

I had purchased them at Goodwill months ago and completely forgotten about them.
I mean completely.
I call them vintage but they're probably just retro...anyway the box they came in was quite aged.
I tried to do a little digging into how old they might be but all I know is they were made by the 
Christmas by Krebs Company.
I found some very similar to them on ebay and they were described as being from the 70s.
Well, there was no way they were not getting on the tree... know, the one that always looks the same year after year...
...except this year, my unchanging tree has a few new "old" baubles hanging on it.


1. What title would you give this current chapter of your life?

"Anticipation, Anticipay-yay-shun"

2. December 6 is National Microwave Oven Day. Who knew? Besides popcorn and coffee reheats, what's the most common thing you microwave? Could you get along without a microwave?

Well, of course the microwave should have it's own day...everything else does, right? I use mine everyday for one thing or another, whether it is a re-heat, to soften butter or bread for a few seconds, or to cook me up a yummy Healthy Choice microwave meal for when I come home for lunch. I do a lot of cooking for just me, myself and I since Jim isn't here for supper most nights. I gave up my standard 2-slice toaster a few years ago for a toaster oven and make many meals in it or in a skillet. I sure do rely on it though for a lot of things and would miss it if it was gone. Could I get along without it? Sure...I could...but I don't want to.

3. If you could insert yourself into any Christmas carol and experience the lyrics in real life, which Christmas carol lyric would you choose and why?

I think it would be "Silent Night". Can you just imagine being there... in that manger...being a witness to the birth of our Lord Jesus? To see the wonder on Mary's face as she lays eyes on her brand new baby boy, the Savior of the world as her husband Joseph stands in awe. The shepherds, the animals, all gazing in wonder at the sweet baby lying there in the hay...radiant glory all around... as that Star shines ever so brightly. And then there are the angels....ah yes... their voices are such a GLORIOUS sound! Can you hear them? Wouldn't it be wonderful to have been there?

4. Describe the most beautiful drive you've ever taken.

It would have to be driving along the Blue Ridge Parkway. Surely there must be other places just as lovely or even more so, but to me. it's almost heaven. Of course this photo does it no justice but it's the only one I could find without going through files and files.

5. What's something on your Christmas list this year? (an actual list or figuratively speaking, either one)

I never make a Christmas list for things I want, personally...only for what what I need to buy for preparing the meal. When it comes to getting tangible gifts, I really don't want or need a thing. But everything that I would wish for, especially in days such as these, is expressed so beautifully in this familiar song by Amy Grant.

6. Insert your own random thought here.

Need I say more??

Until next time...may your week be blessed!


  1. You are the second person that chose that beautiful song by Amy Grant. I love it. Hope you have a great week, Debby.

  2. Your answer to the drive question reminded me of how much I love the Shenandoah Valley ride too. So many pretty places to go! Your new ornaments are lovely.

  3. I love driving along the Blue Ridge Pkwy too! Being in NC, looking out at the mountains gave me the best feeling. Holiday hugs, Diane PS I'm having a giveaway so come on over!

  4. I love the picture you shared of the Blue Ridge Parkway!

  5. Love your socks, Debby! And your answers! I have not driven along the Blue Ridge Parkway, but my hubby and I hope to do just that one day. I liked your new/older ornaments. No tree up here yet, but I've decorated a few other spaces.

  6. Those ornaments are so pretty, can't use glass ones on our tree because of the cat. Your drive is one we've been wanting to take for a while.

  7. Enjoyed my visit with you this morning. Cute socks. And ear scritches to Oscar and Tasha -- they certainly seem in the Christmas mood with their sprightly hats and bows.

    Wishing you a beautiful day, Debby!

  8. Oh yes, the Blueridge Parkway drive. That is fantastic! I'm loving all your cheery Christmastime photos, Debby! They're wonderful. Your puppies are darling. xo

  9. Hi Debby, That is one of my favorite Christmas songs. Your precious dogs are so sweet; oh how I love them. Kinda cold and rainy here today but it does look/feel more like Christmas. I like the ornaments you discovered at Goodwill. Hope you have a nice afternoon.

  10. I like the carol you picked and the reason why!
    Those balls are beautiful.

  11. I love those 'old' Christmas decorations. They have an elegant look to them.

  12. I love those ornaments from Goodwill! So pretty! Yay, time for a little fun today.

    1. What title would you give this current chapter of your life?
    "The Balance Act". Trying to balance life in general.

    2. December 6 is National Microwave Oven Day. Who knew? Besides popcorn and coffee reheats, what's the most common thing you microwave? Could you get along without a microwave?
    Oh my mercy, I love my microwave. If i had to give up that or dish washer the dish washer would go. I heat up coffee too and use it melt things or soften things. I defrost with it if I am in a hurry. Love my WAVE.

    3. If you could insert yourself into any Christmas carol and experience the lyrics in real life, which Christmas carol lyric would you choose and why?

    Oh I loved your answer Debby. Right now I think it would be "I am dreaming of a white Christmas". Oh I would love to be celebrating the holidays with my family in a winter wonderland, with snow everywhere, and us gals with those fancy little coats and hats on. And yes, hot chocolate. I need to watch a movie don't I? That's about as close as I will get to Winter wonderland and dreaming of a white Christmas. LOL!

    4. Describe the most beautiful drive you've ever taken.
    Well I was fixing to say on February while in the mountains. Marty and I left the Dixie Stampede to walk out the door to snow! We both about fainted. Had no clue it was going to snow. Our drive back to the cabin was filled with snow falling and so beautiful. Of course we are FLORIDIANS so I was afraid we would slide off the side of the mountain and made him go 1 mile per hour and I was petrified going up that mountain slop to the cabin but at the same time I was wanting to get out of the vehicle and just stand there and let it fall on me. It was such a beautiful scenery as we drove.

    5. What's something on your Christmas list this year? (an actual list or figuratively speaking, either one)

    I gotta laugh. My girls will say, Mama we need a list of ideas of things you might like for Christmas. I do this each year to them....I make a list long enough it would take 3 show dogs to jump over it! I put things on there I know they can't afford, and some things that they know I would NOT be CAUGHT dead with. I do however toss in a few of those things I sorta kinda want....LOL!

    My challenge this season has been to try and slow down and enjoy. As soon as I said those words it seemed that LIFE went full steam ahead. Oh I am so grateful that Jesus was born as without Him we would not have a Savior that loves us despite ourselves and that came into this world to save the lost. I am so glad He saved a mere old sinner such as myself.
    Happy Mid week to you dear friend.

    Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  13. Those 'vintage' baubles are lovely. Your tree looks like a Christmas kiss. I too, think being a member of the inner circle at the first Christmas would have been the most wondrous occasion filled with wonderment and love.

  14. Nice sox! Your header is so so lovely and cozy looking, just like a little invite into your home. I think I would agree with all your answers except I'm not anticipating something like you least not now. And there's always in the background a sort of sweet anticipation, and I think that's the longing for being united with Christ in heaven some day, don't you think? Did you hear the mention of s--w for tomorrow? I could hardly believe my ears, but maybe it was a fluke report!

  15. Oh, Debby, I'm so with you on the microwave and the Blueridge Parkway. I wasn't able to link up this week, but have sure enjoyed everyone else's answers. Happy everything Debby!

  16. Ooh...your home looks so pretty! I love that you do the colored lights too. So many choose white, but I think the colored ones are so soothing.

    I love those vintage retro bulbs. I bet they fit so perfect on your tree amongst the others. :)

    I LOVE that Amy Grant song. And yep, I'm like you, I don't really need anything. Just having family around is really why makes the season special.
    I hope you have a Blessed Christmas if I don't get back on before then!

    Hugs to you!!

  17. I don't cook in my microwave but just the reheating, melting butter etc, is so convenient! Your tree is pretty with the color lights!

    Once you both retire and move to your sons property, you'll have to go back to cooking for two! That'll be a change!

    I've always like Amy Grant's Christmas albums!

  18. I enjoyed reading your hodgepodge...I always do. And I do love those ornaments.

  19. (I am back to comment. I read this post a couple of nights ago, opened the comment box . . . and woke up who knows how much later!!)

    What a cozy and festive post . . . from the sweet pup's greetings and peeks at your Christmas decor . . . to the fun socks at the end! A happy hodgepodge!

  20. Hello. I'm coming in late because I'm behind and I have several other excuses I won't go into. Sigh. I enjoyed reading your podge and yes it would be amazing to witness that night with understanding even in a small way about what was happening. Hope you have a Merry weekend!

  21. Love that Amy Grant song, Debby! Your new to you ornaments are so pretty and of course, your socks look cozy and comfy.
    I love my microwave and toaster oven, too.
    Enjoy this special time of the year, Debby!

  22. Your vintage ornaments are so pretty, Debby, and the nativity set is lovely and special. It looks like you've been decorating a bit for Christmas. Everything looks festive and merry. Please say hello to your doggies for me. They are sooooo cute. I still want to get a dachshund someday. : )


  23. I don’t know how I missed it, but it sure was a lovely read this evening. The video was retro, vintage, something that took me back in time a couple of decades, which I enjoyed. Your header and home look cozy and Christmas ready. 🕯🎄🕯

  24. Debby, thank you for asking about Nel's dog. He's a Shiba-inu mix. It's a Japanese breed, but they're usually smaller dogs, and he's pretty big. We're not actually sure what he's mixed with. He was a rescue dog, and when Nel saw him, she knew she had to take him home with her. : )


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.

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