Time. There is so much to say about time. I am reminded of this every January when it's time to put that new calendar up on the wall. If yours is like the one we use at our house, it has big blocks where you can write in happenings on certain days—doctor or dentist appointments, haircuts, birthdays, etc. Of course these days, most people keep these things on their smart phones. This girl still has a dumb phone and uses a paper calendar. Either way, it is how we keep track of our busy lives and how we plan our time. Time. It's the one thing that we all have the same amount of...no matter who we are. We are all given twenty-four hours of it which makes up a day. Some of us use it more wisely than others. Sadly, I must admit that I tend to fall into the "others" group more than I would like. I am trying to do better in that area.
Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise,
making the most of every opportunity,
because the days are evil.
Ephesians 5:15-16
There are so many familiar phrases we say regarding time. Here are some examples:
living on borrowed time
time waits for no one
it's about time
time heals all wounds
time is fleeting
time is of the essence
a moment in time
passing time
spending time
waiting for the right time
now is the time
some other time
the right time
killing time
as time goes by
time flies when you're having fun
stand the test of time
just in time
time is an illusion
time is money
it's just a matter of time
one day at a time
...and not to be forgotten, the infamous line from that YouTube sensation...
"ain't nobody got time fa dat".
Then there was this other one...the one I wanted to ignore. But it kept screaming at me.
Wasting time.
“Time is what we want most, but what we use worst.”
~ William Penn
I must say that I have some repenting to do and some changes to make. Even as I sit here putting together this post—finding scriptures and quotes, etc., I am finding myself convicted about this area of my life.
There are things that I leave undone and my priorities can certainly be messed up at times. The jury is still out on the verdict of if my blog is a time waster. There have been a few times since I started it that I felt like it was...and then, just like that, someone spoke encouragement to me or told me that something I posted blessed them in some way. It felt like God was telling me it was okay...but to keep it in perspective.
Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.
Psalms 90:12
I want...no, I need to give God more of my time.
Wasted Hours
~by M.S. Lowndes
So many hours are spent in
Pursuing our earthly desires
Without asking what God's plans are
Or what from us He requires
We struggle so hard to fill
The emptiness and the boredom,
We look unto earthly pleasures
To fill the void within
But so much time is wasted
In things that have no worth,
Things that seem to take the place
Of what we know should be first
Like our relationship with God
And our faith in Jesus Christ,
For He's the only one to fullfill
The emptiness we have inside
Our hope of eternal glory
With Jesus Christ, our Lord,
This should be our only focus,
For nothing in life is worth more.
That poem really spoke to my heart because it is full of truth. If we are doing things to just fill up space in our lives, He wants us to replace those spaces with HIM!
That is what I am striving for in 2014!
What about you?