Hello, to all my peeps out there!
Well, we had more snow over the weekend leaving slushy roads and just overall yuckiness.
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But there is finally a light at the end of the tunnel!
Tomorrow (Wednesday) we will have 70+ temperatures!
And if you can believe the forecast, Easter weekend is looking quite promising too.
Come on Spring, show your beautiful face!

This week, someone at our house celebrated a birthday.
Come on Spring, show your beautiful face!

This week, someone at our house celebrated a birthday.
I'll give you a hint...
...he's brown and furry all over and he walks on all fours.
Here's a photo of him the day we got him, at only 9 weeks old...
Here's a photo of him the day we got him, at only 9 weeks old...
...yes, this would be our Oscar.
And below, here is today at 9 years old...and getting a little gray around the edges!
But he still acts like a puppy. 😉
And speaking of 9 year olds, I must brag a bit on our Olivia.
She competed in a climbing tournament on Saturday and did quite well.
There were only 12 competitors but they were all over 11 years of age and much bigger than her.
She came in 5th...nothing to sneeze at when you're climbing a rock wall!
That's her daddy (Adam) watching intently and Uncle Josh with the video camera.
See that inverted wall?
Well, I can't even imagine how they can do that...
...sheer determination, I guess...just look at that face!
So now to the Hodgepodge...
...where Joyce asks the questions and we answer them on our blogs.
A couple of the questions this week really gave a me run for my money!
Thanks, Joyce, for keeping us on our toes!
1. What's a word that describes your life? I think this just might be one of the hardest questions I've ever had to answer on a Hodgepodge. After much thought and going back and forth, I have finally come up with one word...optimistic. The first words that came to mind mostly had negative connotations to them but after thinking about it, none of those words really described what I'm all about. A word you wish described your life? This one is nearly as hard because there are so many things that I am NOT and we would be here all day listing my wishes. I wish I could just snap my fingers and be more Christlike...that pretty much covers it all.
2. Back in my day we_____?
...lived a simpler lifestyle, no doubt about it. I can only answer based on what I experienced growing up and I'm sure we could all answer it a bit differently, yet with many similarities. Back in my day, we were taught to respect our parents and those in authority, love our family members and above all others, love God who created us. Yes, back in my day, we were actually taught that God was the Creator and that we didn't evolve from apes. There was just an overall sense of common decency that seems to be sadly lacking today. School shootings were virtually unheard of. These days, we never know what we might hear coming out of people's mouths...the hatred and venom spewed today surely must break the heart of God because it breaks mine. Back in my day, men were men and women were women...and there was no confusion. Back in my day, the best things in life were free...yet priceless. I could go on and on, but I won't...it makes me too sad.
3. When it comes to takeout are you more likely to opt for Italian, Mexican, or Chinese food? Does a typical week at your house include takeout?
Out of these three options, I'd say it would be Italian, pizza to be precise. Normally when we eat either of these, they are in a restaurant. Occasionally we will get Mexican takeout but it is never as good as eating it in the restaurant. We will possibly get takeout once a week, depending on Jim's work schedule...I rarely get it just for me unless I get a real hankering for something specific or I am in a rush. Every now and then a little sumpin'-sumpin' from Wendy's or sometimes Arby's hits the spot even though they weren't on the list. 😋
4. Think about the people you most respect. What is it about them that earned your respect?
That they are genuine...the "real deal", if you will. Sometimes that is hard to determine when we first meet someone, especially if they seem to be a different person in different situations. People who I respect most are those who demonstrate that they are steadfast, faithful and constant. It's also important they are not afraid to admit it when they may be wrong about something and are never reluctant to apologize when they need to. In fact, that may just be when I respect them the most.
5. What's something your friends might see and say is 'so you'?
This kitchen from 'My Farmhouse Love'.
6. Insert your own random thought here.