1. Speaking of your wit's end, at loose ends, a dead end, burn the candle at both ends, all's well that end's well, or no end in sight...which 'end' phrase might best be applied to your life lately? Explain.
So I guess if anyone read my post from a couple of days ago, they could guess how I might answer this question. I have a monumental task ahead of me...getting the house ready to sell...and everything that goes along with that. I am not at wit's end or at a dead end...nor am I burning the candle at both ends...YET. You actually have to start before you can be any of those things, am I right? So that leaves things at loose ends because that basically means unfinished business. I'm sure once I finally get started, it will seem at times like there is no end in sight and finally, then and only then, I'll be able to say "All's well that ends well!"
2. What was a must have accessory when you were growing up? Did you own one? If so tell us what you remember about it.
Do shoes count as an accessory since they are plural?
Can you even believe it?
Wasn't it just last weekend when the ball dropped and we sang Auld Lang Syne?
Time is passing CRAZY fast!
And here it is, time for Joyce's Hodgepodge again already...
...where she writes the questions and we answer them on our blogs.
And this week's questions are....
1. Speaking of your wit's end, at loose ends, a dead end, burn the candle at both ends, all's well that end's well, or no end in sight...which 'end' phrase might best be applied to your life lately? Explain.
So I guess if anyone read my post from a couple of days ago, they could guess how I might answer this question. I have a monumental task ahead of me...getting the house ready to sell...and everything that goes along with that. I am not at wit's end or at a dead end...nor am I burning the candle at both ends...YET. You actually have to start before you can be any of those things, am I right? So that leaves things at loose ends because that basically means unfinished business. I'm sure once I finally get started, it will seem at times like there is no end in sight and finally, then and only then, I'll be able to say "All's well that ends well!"
2. What was a must have accessory when you were growing up? Did you own one? If so tell us what you remember about it.
Do shoes count as an accessory since they are plural?

If I have understood the question right, shoes would be my favorite accessory when I was growing up. With so many kids in the family, we weren't able to afford new ones very often but I was beyond excited when it was shoe shopping patent leather ones made my heart go pitter-patter. If you'd like to know more, you can read the details here over on my childhood memories blog. Oh yes, there were many other accessories that I had to have that were the latest thing, but I remember it was always about the shoes...I still love me some cute shoes!
3. Something that made you smile yesterday?
Meet Snickers, my new little grand puppy...Aaron and Michelle's newest addition as of yesterday. He is a Silky-haired Dachshund and is the color of.......a Snickers! 😉 Isn't he adorable? He sure made me smile!
3. Something that made you smile yesterday?
Meet Snickers, my new little grand puppy...Aaron and Michelle's newest addition as of yesterday. He is a Silky-haired Dachshund and is the color of.......a Snickers! 😉 Isn't he adorable? He sure made me smile!
4. January 30th is National Croissant Day. Do you like croissants? Sweet or savory? We're having chicken salad for lunch...would you rather have yours served on a croissant, a wrap, a bagel, bread, or a roll of some sort?
I do like croissants of all kinds but rarely do I eat them because I simply don't eat many breads or rolls of any kind for the most part. If someone came up with a low-carb version, I would be all over that puppy in a heartbeat. Even though I love the combination of chicken salad on a croissant, I would choose to have mine in a Mission Carb Balance flour tortilla wrap, thank you!

BUT...if I was invited for lunch and they were on the menu, I would eat it. Far be it from me to offend!
5. Sum up your January in fifteen words or less.
We had snow...lots of it and ate comfort food...lots of it.
6. Insert your own random thought here.
We had snow...lots of it and ate comfort food...lots of it.
6. Insert your own random thought here.