How can this be?
When I was young, just the thought of putting a '20' in front of the year seemed like science fiction...
...and now here we are, seventeen years into it!
Every year I ask myself how in the world did this year fly by so quickly...
and every year the answer is the same.
It. Just. Did.
"Time is nature's way to keep everything from happening at once."
~Ray Cummings
I have started this post about five or six times,
Then I decided I wasn't going to post at all because I was running out of time.
Then I decided I would just forego all the of the photos and and links for the re-hash of 2016.
That's where I left it.
Yes, in 2016 there were vacations, family gatherings, the addition of a new fur baby,
a girl's weekend getaway at the beach, holidays to celebrate and many, many photo ops.
But I don't even have the words to express how grateful I am for the changes that 2016 brought.
Prayers that had been prayed for many, many years have been and are still being answered.
Everything else that happened in our family pales in comparison to that one big thing.
Of course, that one big thing is Aaron's sobriety.
I want to thank each and every one of you that have prayed for him, for me and my family.
And thank you for reading my posts and continuing to support me.
You guys are the best!
Oh...and this wonderful old watch...
...well, it is finally with it's rightful owner.
Aaron was next in line to have this watch and then to pass down to his first born one day.
We have been safekeeping it for many years, as I'm sure you certainly understand why.

Although this is a wonderful thing, I'm going to miss it!
I really have enjoyed taking photos of it in different surroundings.
The bad news is time flies. The good news is you're the pilot.
~Michael Althsuler
So my friends, another year has come and gone and although I say this every year,
I hope to make 2017 the best year yet!
Hey, if I can improve one just one thing, it will be better than the last!
It is my prayer that each of you have your best year as well.
♥♥ May God richly bless you in 2017! ♥♥

Much love and hugs,
It. Just. Did.
"Time is nature's way to keep everything from happening at once."
~Ray Cummings
I have started this post about five or six times,
Then I decided I wasn't going to post at all because I was running out of time.
Then I decided I would just forego all the of the photos and and links for the re-hash of 2016.
That's where I left it.
Yes, in 2016 there were vacations, family gatherings, the addition of a new fur baby,
a girl's weekend getaway at the beach, holidays to celebrate and many, many photo ops.
But I don't even have the words to express how grateful I am for the changes that 2016 brought.
Prayers that had been prayed for many, many years have been and are still being answered.
Everything else that happened in our family pales in comparison to that one big thing.
Of course, that one big thing is Aaron's sobriety.
And thank you for reading my posts and continuing to support me.
You guys are the best!
Oh...and this wonderful old watch...
...this one that you have seen throughout my blog since the beginning...
...well, it is finally with it's rightful owner.
Aaron was next in line to have this watch and then to pass down to his first born one day.
We have been safekeeping it for many years, as I'm sure you certainly understand why.

A week ago on Christmas Day, Jim gave the watch to Aaron.
It was pun intended. (well, maybe)Although this is a wonderful thing, I'm going to miss it!
I really have enjoyed taking photos of it in different surroundings.
The bad news is time flies. The good news is you're the pilot.
~Michael Althsuler
So my friends, another year has come and gone and although I say this every year,
I hope to make 2017 the best year yet!
Hey, if I can improve one just one thing, it will be better than the last!
It is my prayer that each of you have your best year as well.
♥♥ May God richly bless you in 2017! ♥♥

Much love and hugs,