Well, here we are on the last Wednesday of March.
I'm happy to report that spring is finally becoming obvious after those frigid temps of a week ago...
...and after the 80+ degree record breaking February that gave us quite a tease.
The past couple of days we have had showers and everything is turning green...yippee!
It's also time to hop across the pond for the last Hodgepodge of March...
...where Joyce asks the tough questions and after racking our brains, we answers them on ours.
Come on over and see what everyone is sharing......here we go.
1. 'Beauty is in the eye of the beholder' What's something you've seen recently that you thought
1. 'Beauty is in the eye of the beholder' What's something you've seen recently that you thought
was beautiful?

I actually look forward to them every year...they are an edible weed that grows profusely around here in the early spring called Purple Deadnettle. Some of you already know that weeds are some of my favorite flowers—in fact, my very first blog post ever was titled Beautiful Weeds.
They look like flowers to me!
Or what about this?

These lovelies.
I actually look forward to them every year...they are an edible weed that grows profusely around here in the early spring called Purple Deadnettle. Some of you already know that weeds are some of my favorite flowers—in fact, my very first blog post ever was titled Beautiful Weeds.
They look like flowers to me!
Or what about this?
I see so much beauty in this gnarly, twisted up old tree. These are two examples on opposite ends of the 'beautiful' spectrum. I guess it's all how you look at them.
2. Our culture and beauty...your thoughts?
Before I answered this question, I typed the word "beauty" into Google Images just for fun. The screen was bombarded with images of women—very Kardashianesque—wearing tons of makeup and wearing very little clothing. This must be beauty by the world's standards, unfortunately. Of course, we all love beauty in many forms and I don't know many women who don't want to look as beautiful as they can. The very old adage "beauty is only skin deep" couldn't be more true. Here is my take on what true beauty is and how we attain it:

Before I answered this question, I typed the word "beauty" into Google Images just for fun. The screen was bombarded with images of women—very Kardashianesque—wearing tons of makeup and wearing very little clothing. This must be beauty by the world's standards, unfortunately. Of course, we all love beauty in many forms and I don't know many women who don't want to look as beautiful as they can. The very old adage "beauty is only skin deep" couldn't be more true. Here is my take on what true beauty is and how we attain it:

Or how about...
3. Age before beauty, beauty queen, beauty mark, beauty sleep...which beauty-ful phrase resonates with you today? Why?
I am not quite ready to use the phrase "age before beauty" (referring to me as being the 'aged one') just yet...I am still in denial :) So I will say that beauty sleep would be my answer. I don't get enough of it according to all of the information out there. It's not a choice for me... I have a hard time sleeping past 5:00 on any given day of the week... even after going to bed at my regular time of 11:00. Maybe if I could figure out how to get more sleep, I would finally be that ravishing beauty that I always wanted to be. :D
4. I read here a list of the top ten beasts animals that scare us the most-
alligators, coyotes, black bears, birds (but pigeons in particular), sharks, bats, bed bugs, rats, rattlesnakes, and the black widow spider.
Which 'beast' on the list scares you the most? What is the likelihood of you having an actual encounter with that particular beast? Did a movie contribute to your fear of this creature? Have you ever had a real life encounter with any of the animals listed?
I really don't scare easily but would have to say that just the thought of being infested with bed bugs really creeps me out...and I am not fond of spiders AT ALL, black widow or not. I would like to think that the likelihood of getting bed bugs is 0% chance...unless I wind up in a seedy hotel for some odd reason. I live in a wooded area though and the chances of encountering a black widow spider increase dramatically. (:O) At the moment, I can't think of anything from a movie that has affected me...BUT I do have a close encounter of the "kinda creepy, kinda cool" kind to share.
6. What's your favorite carb? How's that for random?
A warm, squishy, sticky, gooey, cinnamony (and kinda greasy) apple fritter. This is not a treat that I indulge in often....only when patients bring us sweet treats in the morning. I have no trouble passing up your regular run-of-the-mill donuts but if the box contains one of these puppies...OOOWEEEE... temptation just gets the best of me! Thank goodness this doesn't happen every day...or every week!
7. Let's wrap up another month of Hodgepodging and life with an acrostic. Recap your month using the word MARCH.
alligators, coyotes, black bears, birds (but pigeons in particular), sharks, bats, bed bugs, rats, rattlesnakes, and the black widow spider.
Which 'beast' on the list scares you the most? What is the likelihood of you having an actual encounter with that particular beast? Did a movie contribute to your fear of this creature? Have you ever had a real life encounter with any of the animals listed?
I really don't scare easily but would have to say that just the thought of being infested with bed bugs really creeps me out...and I am not fond of spiders AT ALL, black widow or not. I would like to think that the likelihood of getting bed bugs is 0% chance...unless I wind up in a seedy hotel for some odd reason. I live in a wooded area though and the chances of encountering a black widow spider increase dramatically. (:O) At the moment, I can't think of anything from a movie that has affected me...BUT I do have a close encounter of the "kinda creepy, kinda cool" kind to share.
This little guy/gal decided to take a lengthy nap on the side of the house the summer before last. Like I said, kinda creepy but kinda cool.
5. Where were you when you last heard a bell ring? Was it alarming or musical?
5. Where were you when you last heard a bell ring? Was it alarming or musical?
I was at work...yesterday. I rang the bell and then I took this photo especially for the hodgepodge...
and it was neither alarming nor was it musical. :D6. What's your favorite carb? How's that for random?
A warm, squishy, sticky, gooey, cinnamony (and kinda greasy) apple fritter. This is not a treat that I indulge in often....only when patients bring us sweet treats in the morning. I have no trouble passing up your regular run-of-the-mill donuts but if the box contains one of these puppies...OOOWEEEE... temptation just gets the best of me! Thank goodness this doesn't happen every day...or every week!
7. Let's wrap up another month of Hodgepodging and life with an acrostic. Recap your month using the word MARCH.
Many things to do!
Arranging and rearranging...
Rarely getting it all accomplished.
Closets are all good though!
Home...sweet home. ♥