Look...isn't she (I'll assume she's a she) just adorable?
I bought this sweet little thing for a couple of bucks at one of those yard sales...
...one of those one I mentioned in my
last post as we were collecting things for the cabin.
That was twelve years ago and I may have used her once or twice when she lived at the cabin.
Oh yes, I have other cookers but I couldn't resist her vintage charm...
...and she is still in such great shape!
Just for fun, I googled vintage crock pots and it took me a while to find one just like her.
Oh my goodness, I found harvest gold, avocado green, burnt orange...
...all kinds of others with different motifs on them but I scrolled and scrolled...
...and finally found the "brick" pattern...must be pretty rare, I thought!
It could have been that I was referring to her as a crock pot...
...she is actually a Crock Watcher, manufactured by Hamilton Beach.
Silly me...Rival makes crock pots!
Anyway, look what else I found...an old newspaper ad.
Check out the dateline on it...also, check out the price!
That was a LOT of money back in 1977!
So, all week long I have been watching the weather report
and was thrilled to find out that we are in for some chilly weather this weekend.
Can I just tell you that it thrills my soul to make soup on the first chilly day of the season?!
After a long, hot summer here in the south, I just want to say a big ..."AHHHH"!
So after purchasing a rotisserie chicken (yum) a couple of days ago,
I decided chicken-noodle soup would be on the menu this weekend...
...cooked in my cute li'l vintage crock pot Crock Watcher :)
Have you ever made rotisserie chicken-noodle soup?
Using that lovely chicken makes such a wonderfully tasty broth.
Here's how I make it:
In a large saucepan, saute a chopped garlic clove, celery, carrots and onion...
...the amount is up to you, in olive oil and a little butter until slightly tender.
When the veggies are done, add a bit of broth to de-glaze the pan so to get all of that good flavor.

I then put what's left of the chicken, including the carcass into the same pan,
adding just enough water or chicken broth to cover it.
There is so much meat and great flavor in the carcass so just boil the heck out of it...
...for maybe 20 minutes or so.
Remove chicken from the pot and cool long enough to be able to handle it.
Pull all the meat off bones...and
now you can throw away that ugly carcass!
Transfer it all into the crock and add more broth for the amount of soup you desire.
I include some of the celery leaves as well...it enhances the flavor and they are pretty too.
Add the seasonings you desire...salt, pepper and a little dried parsley is what I use.
When the soup has had plenty of time to cook together (remember the chicken is already cooked),
add whatever noodles you like...however many you like...it's up to you!
It doesn't take the noodles long to cook so I add them about 20 minutes or so before time to eat.
It's best not to over cook them or they will get mushy.
Before you know it, it's time to eat!
Give me a few crackers or some crusty bread and I'm good to go!
Yep, my little vintage CROCK WATCHER still works great after all these years!
Are you enjoying fall weather in your area this weekend?