A lot can happen in a week.
Good things and not-so-good things.
A week ago today, we loaded into Jim's Camry and headed for Tennessee.
Oldest grandson, Dacey, rode shotgun and I was scrunched up in the back with Dylan...
...and two dachshunds in a crate between us.
I wish I was kidding but I still have swollen feet and ankles to prove it.
I wish I was kidding but I still have swollen feet and ankles to prove it.
Why? Because my legs are shorter than Dacey's.
We always have a great time when we go to Adam's peaceful country place.
He cut down a few trees since we were there last and this is the new view from the back porch.
I wish I could tell you there were cool breezes blowing as we sat on that back porch.
We always have a great time when we go to Adam's peaceful country place.
He cut down a few trees since we were there last and this is the new view from the back porch.
I wish I could tell you there were cool breezes blowing as we sat on that back porch.
But I'd be lying.....it was hotter than all get out.
Here are some of the highlights of our time together.
It has taken him a while but the tree house he built is nearly complete.
There is also a second story with a loft.
Here are some of the highlights of our time together.
It has taken him a while but the tree house he built is nearly complete.
There is also a second story with a loft.
...to the meadow where we plan to build our farmhouse, Lord willing.
Give us a couple of years and hopefully we will have this new zip code.
Give us a couple of years and hopefully we will have this new zip code.
The "X" marks the spot where we want the house to sit.
Exciting stuff!
We came across these lovely and unique wildflowers growing in the meadow.
I googled "purple wildflower with squiggley tines" and found it!
I discovered it to be Passiflora incarnata L. or Purple passionflower.
The bus comes through regularly and it is the sole means of long-distance transportation
for the Amish folks when they visit far-away relatives and such.
It was a great vintage place with lots to see.
It was a great vintage place with lots to see.
There is a small museum there and these beauties were there on display.
The owls seemed to look a little forlorn, yet peaceful and their beauty was stunning.
And I would be remiss if I didn't post a photo of our friend who came visiting on Saturday morning.
I got within a few feet of "Army" :)
And there's always time for a little target practice...
I got within a few feet of "Army" :)

...near bulls eyes for all of them at around 150 yards!
But just hanging out on the back porch (when it cooled off a bit) was most enjoyable.
Parker, especially, just goes to pieces when it's time for us to say goodbye.
The time flies by when we are together but you know what they say about all good things.
And let me just tell you, it was way too soon to be doubling up like a pretzel again for the trip home.
We traveled at night so I was able to sleep through most of it, making it home safe and sound.
The next time, we really must come up with another mode of transportation!
And now for the not-so-good...
And now for the not-so-good...
I received a text from one of my sisters in Ohio shortly before arriving home.
Our next to the oldest sister, Ruby, who was in the hospital with some ongoing health issues,
was given the news that her husband had been brought in with breathing difficulties.
Clyde had several serious health problems but had been recovering somewhat and getting dialysis.
Things quickly went downhill from there and just as we arrived home,
word came that it didn't look good for him.
That same Monday afternoon, my sister's husband of 56 years passed away.
That same Monday afternoon, my sister's husband of 56 years passed away.
As God would have it, she recovered and was able to leave the hospital the following day
to take care of the necessary task at hand.
So we will be on the road again tonight...to Ohio this time,
no grands in tow this trip.
no grands in tow this trip.
We enjoy road trips but the very last thing we wanted to do was take another so soon.
Arrangements and re-arrangements had to be made in our lives, with our jobs, etc.
Death never comes at a convenient time.
It was nothing that was planned, but it will be a bittersweet family reunion.
We enjoy road trips but the very last thing we wanted to do was take another so soon.
Arrangements and re-arrangements had to be made in our lives, with our jobs, etc.
Death never comes at a convenient time.
It was nothing that was planned, but it will be a bittersweet family reunion.
All of us will be together to say our final goodbyes to a soft-spoken godly man,
one who was as close as any true blood brother could ever be...
one who was as close as any true blood brother could ever be...
...a father who was reunited with two of his own children that were taken way too soon,
as Jesus ushered him into Glory.
as Jesus ushered him into Glory.
Yes, we're on the road again...because family matters.
Stay cool, my friends and love to all.