I was out doing my Friday morning thing when I saw it...
you know, that thing I do, taking the back roads to the store on Friday mornings.
Last year in the early fall, I came across this field of morning glories.
It was quite literally "GLORY"-ous!

So this past spring as I was making one these routine trips,
I noticed to my disappointment that they had planted corn in the field.

This is a side by side of the same field.
Now I do love a good cornfield, don't get me wrong...
...but I love me some morning glories even better.
So several weeks had gone by and I hadn't been down this particular road in a while.
For some reason I had gotten an inclination to go back and check out the cornfield
since I had seen morning glories still blooming in other areas.
So I did and this what I saw.

The morning glories were still alive and well, using the corn as one gigantic trellis...
...acres and acres of bluish-purple trumpets were trailing up the wasted corn stalks...

...just about as far as my eye could see.

I tried to get them all into one panoramic photo but was not very successful.
For some reason I had gotten an inclination to go back and check out the cornfield
since I had seen morning glories still blooming in other areas.
So I did and this what I saw.

The morning glories were still alive and well, using the corn as one gigantic trellis...
...acres and acres of bluish-purple trumpets were trailing up the wasted corn stalks...
...just about as far as my eye could see.
I tried to get them all into one panoramic photo but was not very successful.
Oh, it was a such a sight...and my photos just cannot do them justice.
As I stood there snapping photo after photo and taking it all in,
I couldn't help but compare what I was seeing to what God does for us.
That lovely old Gaither song "Something Beautiful" popped into my head.
Our lives can sometimes become like these dead, brittle and dried up corn stalks, can't they?
This beautifully stunning contrast spoke such peace to my heart,
and I was reminded once again that God's love covers a multitude of sins.
So, now you see why I look forward to these Friday morning detours?
It seems like there is always something new to discover...
...and something I already know to be reminded of :)

And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord,
are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another.
For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit.
2 Corinthians 3:18
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