Does anybody know what time it is?
Hehe...silly question, I know.
...where Joyce asks the questions and we answer them on our blogs.
Come on over and join the fun!
Carolina Beach, NC |
I'm adding in some recent and not-so-recent photos of the sea
since many of the questions relate to salt, sand and/or...yes, the sea, itself.
So let's get right to the questions.
1. "The cure for anything is salt water-tears, sweat, or the sea." (Isak Dinesan) Would you agree?Of the three, which has 'cured' you most recently?
I'd say that this quote can be quite true for most people...that is, unless you don't like the sea. All three of these things can prove to be quite therapeutic for me. Sometimes a good cry will do it alone. Getting involved in a big project can also be a great way to forget your troubles...the sore muscles and tired bones have a tendency to give you something else to think about! And who doesn't love a visit to the sea shore to just get away from the stresses of life? It has been several months since I have visited the beach so I would have to say that "salt water tears" have been my most recent cure, although I can't remember what I was actually crying about at the moment. Coming up in a couple of weeks, SWEAT will be the name of the game...putting my house back together after the new floors are installed. :O
2. What's something you can't eat without salt? Do you normally salt your food a lot, a little, or not at all?
Mostly vegetables...and probably eggs too. I add a little salt but not too much. Too much salt is a good way to ruin any meal if you ask me...not to mention your health.
3. Sands of time, bury your head in the sand, built on sand, or draw a line in the sand...which sandy phrase could best be applied to something in your life right now?
Hmmm...since it still January for a few more days, a month when so many of us think about time and how it flies by ever so quickly, I guess the sands of time would apply here. Wasn't New Years Day just yesterday?? The first month in 2017 is practically a memory already.
Fort Fisher,NC |
4. A favorite book, movie, or song with an island setting or theme?
"Castaway" with Tom Hanks.
Speaking of desert islands, here are a bunch of few pics from a cruise to the Bahamas.
These are from w-a-y back in about the sands of time!
These photos have been on a CD that got misplaced for years.
Cococay Island, Bahamas
They were straight out of my first digital camera (ancient point & shoot)
and I was happy to finally get them edited just a bit for the blog.
Nassau, Bahamas |
Just so you know, I did not enhance the colors here.
It was right before a storm and the sun was still out...
making the water a brilliant turquoise against the dark blue sky.
It was the most amazing sight. back to reality...
5. Yesterday-did you run your day or did it run you? How so?
Yesterday was just a regular Tuesday...nothing too stressful. In other words, it did not run me :)
6. You're on an island holiday. Will I most likely find you parked in a beach chair, shopping in town, on the back of a jet ski, or snorkeling off the back of a catamaran?
Here we are, back on vacation again. I'll let the photo below answer the question.
Carolina Beach, NC - 2016 |
7. What do you think we humans most take for granted?
Tomorrow. We just assume it's going to be there.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
I'm ready for some sand and salty sea air! Who's with me??
Somehow, the snowflakes on my signature seem a little out of place on this post...
...BUT it is, after all still winter!