I already know the answer but I don't quite understand how it happens.
OK...you talked me into it...I'll ask it:
I mean seriously!
I don't know that I ever remember a year passing by as quickly as this one has...
...and I have heard many others saying the same thing.
How does this strange phenomenon happen?
We all know that there were 365 days in every other year just as there were in 2014.
I knew I could probably rack my brain for eternity and never figure it out,
so I did the next best thing...I Googled it...
...and I wasn't so sure that I liked the answer that I got.
Without getting into the details, because my simple brain just doesn't understand them,
every site that came up basically sang the same song...
...it seems to have something to do with us me getting...older...
...okay...OLD...there, I said it!
An then it hit me...it must be because I turned 60 this year...lol!
So, now that I got that out of the way, let me share with you some highlights of my speedy 2014...
...if you care to indulge me.
...if you care to indulge me.
I'll be following the lead of several others by summing it all up with mosaics.
So the winter months of 2014 were highlighted by the anticipation of snow...
...and once we got a small taste of it...literally,
I then found myself swiftly searching for the signs of spring!
And speaking of spring, we gathered at the cabin in March for a combo holiday with the TN bunch.
While the folks here in NC were suffering major power outages due to Ice Storm Ulysses,
we were playing in about 8 inches of snow!
The summer months were all about us enjoying the outdoors.
A trip to Nashville and a much anticipated visit to Carolina Beach with the grandsons...
...and also enjoying the cabin in Fancy Gap all the more...
...knowing that our times there would sadly be coming to an end soon,
and they did just that at the end of September.
The arrival of fall always excites me, as I know it does you...

...the colors, the smells, that chill in the air...we all just LOVE it, don't we?
That brings us to the much anticipated Christmastime...
..which is always so full of activity that it should have it's very own season!
Here are a few glimpses of our Christmas near Nashville with Adam and his sweet family.
They were able to move into their new home just a few days before.
Although it was quite muddy due to rain and the new construction,
it didn't hinder us one bit from riding the Gator through the mountain trails!
Jim and I are looking forward to many things in 2015, one being able to return here in February.
We will be caring for Parker and Olivia while Mom and Dad enjoy a ten year anniversary getaway!
This place is a photographer's dream and I hope to get some great shots :)
So, these are just a few highlights from my 2014.
I have been thoroughly blessed by so many of your posts this past year
and feel doubly blessed by your friendship and encouragement!
I pray that 2015 is your best year yet!
God Bless you all!
I'm sharing on Judith's Mosaic Monday
...and once we got a small taste of it...literally,
I then found myself swiftly searching for the signs of spring!
And speaking of spring, we gathered at the cabin in March for a combo holiday with the TN bunch.
While the folks here in NC were suffering major power outages due to Ice Storm Ulysses,
we were playing in about 8 inches of snow!
The summer months were all about us enjoying the outdoors.
A trip to Nashville and a much anticipated visit to Carolina Beach with the grandsons...
...and also enjoying the cabin in Fancy Gap all the more...
...knowing that our times there would sadly be coming to an end soon,
and they did just that at the end of September.
The arrival of fall always excites me, as I know it does you...

...the colors, the smells, that chill in the air...we all just LOVE it, don't we?
That brings us to the much anticipated Christmastime...
..which is always so full of activity that it should have it's very own season!
They were able to move into their new home just a few days before.
Although it was quite muddy due to rain and the new construction,
it didn't hinder us one bit from riding the Gator through the mountain trails!
Jim and I are looking forward to many things in 2015, one being able to return here in February.
We will be caring for Parker and Olivia while Mom and Dad enjoy a ten year anniversary getaway!
This place is a photographer's dream and I hope to get some great shots :)
So, these are just a few highlights from my 2014.
I have been thoroughly blessed by so many of your posts this past year
and feel doubly blessed by your friendship and encouragement!
I pray that 2015 is your best year yet!
God Bless you all!
I'm sharing on Judith's Mosaic Monday