1. A disorderly fight, argument, or competition in which everyone present participates.
2. A disorderly situation in which there is very little regard for authority of rules.
synonyms: brawl, fight, scuffle, confrontation, clash, altercation, fray, fracas, melee, rumpus, disturbance
I guess you could say it was a little of all the above.
That's just the way those little birds roll...especially when it snows.
And speaking of snow, we didn't get that pretty, stick-to-everything-it-touches kind of snow.
It started out that way and then after about one inch, turned to sleet.
Before it was all said and done, we had about 3-4 inches of hard sleet on the ground.
The birds of course didn't know the difference, nor did they care.
All that concerned their little selves was getting their tummies full...no matter what.

It was great fun watching them and I found it hard to stay away from the windows.

In fact, I did very little of anything else for nearly two whole days.
When Ms. Cardinal came on the scene, she promptly let the others know who was boss.
Two's company...

...and of course, three's a crowd.
They don't stay in one spot for very long and you have to be quick...

...that is unless you can get them all together at one sitting, like these guys here.
Pretty much the same thing.

I sat and watched this little game that a red-bellied woodpecker and a male cardinal were playing.
The woodpecker would hide on one side of the feeder and peer around the edge,
and then jump in front of the cardinal, taking his spot.
The cardinal finally got enough and sent the woodpecker packing!

Some birdies just don't play fair.
So as the sleet slowly melts and things are getting back to normal,
I must get back to normal as well...whatever that is.
Oh, and stay tuned for more feathered friend posts...I took LOTS of photos.
Just thought I'd give you fair warning :)

Come and see what others are sharing at:

That's just the way those little birds roll...especially when it snows.
And speaking of snow, we didn't get that pretty, stick-to-everything-it-touches kind of snow.
It started out that way and then after about one inch, turned to sleet.
Before it was all said and done, we had about 3-4 inches of hard sleet on the ground.
The birds of course didn't know the difference, nor did they care.
All that concerned their little selves was getting their tummies full...no matter what.
It was great fun watching them and I found it hard to stay away from the windows.
In fact, I did very little of anything else for nearly two whole days.
I didn't even color one page in my coloring book!
Jim was supposed to have been off but got called into work Thursday night before the snow came.
He had anticipated this...he knows how those ladies who help out at the group home are...
...they refuse to drive anywhere when they see the first snowflake hit the ground!
So, his weekend "off" became a weekend "on" as well as being snowed in with the other manager,
and their six little buddies, of course.
It was way too cold to be outside for more than a few moments...
...so I washed the windows (I guess I did do something) set up my tripod, and enjoyed the show!
When Ms. Cardinal came on the scene, she promptly let the others know who was boss.
Two's company...
...and of course, three's a crowd.
There...that's more like it.
We have blue jays around and I hear them but rarely do I see one on the feeders.
Well let me tell you, I saw more of them on Friday than I have in a long time.
They don't stay in one spot for very long and you have to be quick...
...that is unless you can get them all together at one sitting, like these guys here.
There was a feeding frenzy going on at the deer corn feeder...
...a regular blue jay bonanza!
So then I went over to see what was going on out front.
Pretty much the same thing.

I sat and watched this little game that a red-bellied woodpecker and a male cardinal were playing.
The woodpecker would hide on one side of the feeder and peer around the edge,
and then jump in front of the cardinal, taking his spot.
The cardinal finally got enough and sent the woodpecker packing!
Some birdies just don't play fair.
So as the sleet slowly melts and things are getting back to normal,
I must get back to normal as well...whatever that is.
Oh, and stay tuned for more feathered friend posts...I took LOTS of photos.
Just thought I'd give you fair warning :)

Come and see what others are sharing at: