...I guess that's why they call it a Hodgepodge, right? 😊
Joyce, you pulled a fast one this week!

Anyway, let's get right to her questions and our answers....alrighty?
1. April showers bring May flowers or so the saying goes. Has your April been filled with showers? Do you carry an umbrella, wear a slicker, or make a run for it? Besides rain, what else has filled your April?
Funny you should ask. My April as a whole hasn't been filled with so many showers until just a few days ago. It started raining on Friday afternoon of last week and it's now Tuesday evening and finally beginning to slack off. I hear that tomorrow is going to be beautiful! I do carry my umbrella and only make a run for it if I have to when I have forgotten it. No rain slicker for me...it's all about the hair, you know. My poor short-legged wiener doggies have nearly refused to go out to do their "thing" the past few days...they may need a laxative when this is all over...haha! Getting the house back in order is still an ongoing project. The weekends preceding Easter, I completely redecorated our bedroom. It was the only room in the house that still had dark brown woodwork...and really ugly 20 year old wallpaper...
Joyce, you pulled a fast one this week!

Anyway, let's get right to her questions and our answers....alrighty?
1. April showers bring May flowers or so the saying goes. Has your April been filled with showers? Do you carry an umbrella, wear a slicker, or make a run for it? Besides rain, what else has filled your April?
Funny you should ask. My April as a whole hasn't been filled with so many showers until just a few days ago. It started raining on Friday afternoon of last week and it's now Tuesday evening and finally beginning to slack off. I hear that tomorrow is going to be beautiful! I do carry my umbrella and only make a run for it if I have to when I have forgotten it. No rain slicker for me...it's all about the hair, you know. My poor short-legged wiener doggies have nearly refused to go out to do their "thing" the past few days...they may need a laxative when this is all over...haha! Getting the house back in order is still an ongoing project. The weekends preceding Easter, I completely redecorated our bedroom. It was the only room in the house that still had dark brown woodwork...and really ugly 20 year old wallpaper...

...and now afterwards...
...and if you look closely you will notice the new.......wallpaper....s-h-h-h-h-h, don't tell anyone!
You have to look closely to see it...the pattern is very soft and subtle. So that was my April.
2. What's something you could you give a 30-minute presentation on at a moment's notice and with zero preparation?
How to apply wallpaper.
3. Share with us a favorite food memory from childhood.
The discovery of Chef Boy-ar-dee Pizza Mix.
Our very first taste of pizza was the homemade kind...we had never seen such a thing until it came into the stores. We were crazy about it but my dad refused to try it and had to leave the room. He said it smelled like vomit...LOL!
4. What's a song you thought you knew the lyrics to, but later discovered you were wrong?
I'm sure there are a few out there but for the life of me I can't think of one at the moment. I will tell you though that once when I was singing the hymn "It is Well" at church as a solo I goofed up the words and realized it right away but just kept on singing like I thought they were correct. It went something like this..."When peace like a river attendeth my way, when sorrows like sea willows blow...WRONG... sea billows roll would be correct.
5. According to one travel website, the most overrated tourist attractions in America are-
Niagara Falls (NY), Hollywood Walk of Fame (California), Times Square (NYC), Epcot (FL), Seattle Space Needle (WA), and Faneuil Hall and Quincy Market (Boston). How many of these have you seen in person? Did you feel like a tourist? Did you care? Tell us about a place (not on the list) you've visited that might be considered a tourist trap, but you love it anyway.
I haven't been to any of the places mentioned...I know, I must not get out much, right? I have been to Boston and it is possible that I may have stepped foot into Quincy Market...but I don't remember because it was so long ago...I guess I must not have felt like a tourist and I guess I didn't care either. I may have still been feeling the effects of the lobster pie I had the night before that made me sicker than a dog. Actually, I was pregnant and didn't know it yet and it's quite likely that all of the butter that lobster was swimming in (although it was terribly delicious) didn't set right on my pre-natal digestive system. Nashville would be my pick that's not on the list.
6. Your signature clothing item?
Black pants, be they long or cropped.
7. What's an experience you've had you think everyone should experience at least once? Why?
Probably 35 years ago or more when I was young and foolish, I flew in a glider...in fact, I actually flew the glider. I went up with the pilot and when we reached the proper altitude, he allowed me to flip the lever which disconnected us to the tow plane. It was about 20 minutes of feeling like a bird...no engine noise, only the sound of the wind that kept us going until we gradually descended back down to the landing strip, which I maneuvered as well. Why? Why not?!
8. Insert your own random thought here.
It has finally stopped raining :)