In just a matter of a few days, the world around me sprang into life, I kid you not.
We have had some wonderful rain showers over the past few days and that's all it took.
Those glorious brilliant greens could once again be seen dotting the drab, colorless woods.
Those glorious brilliant greens could once again be seen dotting the drab, colorless woods.
As the morning sun filtered through the trees,
it was as though those tiny new leaves had become luminescent.
Spring just wouldn't be spring without them!
So enough of me trying to convince you that spring has finally sprung...
let's get on with the subject at hand...Joyce's Hodgepodge...

...where she asks the questions and we write the answers.
1. April is Lawn and Garden Month. On a scale of 1-10 what's the current state of your lawn and/or garden. (10=a showpiece, 1=send in the professionals). Tell us about any lawn or garden plans you have for this month.
Wow...this one's easy. I am sure the Lawn & Garden folks would rate it a 1...maybe a 2. But like we talked about on last week's hodgepodge, beauty really is in the eye of the beholder. You see, they built our home right smack dab in the middle of the woods and that also means on hard, rocky red clay as well and soil (if you want to call it that) is really non-existent. Plus it's mostly shaded and grass loves sunshine, right? Long story short, our yard has only patchy areas of grass to mow and this makes my Jim a happy man.
I call our type of landscaping "rustic"—it's a better word than bedraggled or unkempt— with layers of old leaves blown year after year around the perimeter as a mulch, huge tree roots that protrude from the ground, woody overgrown shrubbery, a lush green carpet of moss instead of grass and other such lovelies that cover the ground, mostly in the spring. No manicured lawn here and I must admit, I'm quite fond of our low maintenance yard.

This photo was taken a couple of years ago when the azaleas were nicely blooming.
I call our type of landscaping "rustic"—it's a better word than bedraggled or unkempt— with layers of old leaves blown year after year around the perimeter as a mulch, huge tree roots that protrude from the ground, woody overgrown shrubbery, a lush green carpet of moss instead of grass and other such lovelies that cover the ground, mostly in the spring. No manicured lawn here and I must admit, I'm quite fond of our low maintenance yard.
This photo was taken a couple of years ago when the azaleas were nicely blooming.
At the present, they are in dire need of pruning which will come later on.
As far as gardening goes in this yard, it's all about pots and planters...above ground. Yesterday I was at our local Food Lion (grocery store) and they had just gotten in a supply of beautiful, healthy ferns and hanging baskets. I jumped on them in a heartbeat...the ferns were $3 cheaper than what I had seen at Lowe's just a day before. I bought four of them for the porch and two different colors of hanging geraniums. I still need to get the rest of my bedding and tomato plants...hopefully within the next week or so I will get them all settled in the pots.
2. "Many things grow in the garden that were never sown there."~Thomas Fuller What does this quote mean to you?
Gee, I think it could have dual meanings. It can be taken literally, meaning that every garden has weeds and we all know they were not planted there. But I am thinking there is a hidden possibly sometimes we get more than what we bargained for when we purchase a plant and some other seed was dropped into the soil by accident maybe...a happy accident! I think that digging even deeper (hey...a PUN!) one could even find other hidden meanings and I have probably missed the one most obvious to some of you!
What's the first thing that comes to mind when you think about God?
Gee, I think it could have dual meanings. It can be taken literally, meaning that every garden has weeds and we all know they were not planted there. But I am thinking there is a hidden possibly sometimes we get more than what we bargained for when we purchase a plant and some other seed was dropped into the soil by accident maybe...a happy accident! I think that digging even deeper (hey...a PUN!) one could even find other hidden meanings and I have probably missed the one most obvious to some of you!
What's the first thing that comes to mind when you think about God?
Oh word that encapsulates many things...LOVE. Every gift that He gives us—the wondrous beauty of creation, His grace and mercy, peace that passes all understanding, every good and perfect thing He gives us is because of the love He has for us, His children. I could go on and on but there aren't enough ways to express it.
4. If we were chatting in person, how would I know if you were nervous?
I would probably be talking non-stop. You may just have to slap me.
4. If we were chatting in person, how would I know if you were nervous?
I would probably be talking non-stop. You may just have to slap me.
5. Do you like the color yellow? Would I find any in your home or wardrobe? Daffodils, tulips, roses, sunflowers, day lily, black eyed Susan...which yellow bloom on this list is your favorite?
Yes, I do love the color yellow...sunflowers are one of my very favorites with black-eyed Susans running a close second. I don't have yellow as a prominent color in my house on purpose but the paint on my living room/dining room walls very much have a yellowish cast most of the time. It's actually a beige-ish color in reality. I have none in my wardrobe either. For some reason I never have felt comfortable wearing it on my body...thinking that it was like I was wearing a big sign that said "LOOK AT ME, LOOK AT ME!" And of course I love it in vases of flowers from my hubs that are currently on my dining room table. :)
6. Flip flops or bare feet?
Yes . :D
7. Tell us about any Easter plans, celebrations, or traditions you'll carry out this month.
Oh joy, oh Tennessee bunch will be here for Easter! We are looking forward to a fun weekend with all of the family together. I'm not sure if the younger grands are still into Easter egg hunts but that might be on the agenda if the weather cooperates.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
I am already exhausted just thinking about what all I have to do before they get here!! Oh, and that one blade of grass? I'll get Jim right on it! :)
Dogwoods are absolutely beautiful! It is one of the things that I miss about back home in South Carolina. We never see dogwoods here where we live now on the Texas Gulf Coast. I always thought it was amazing that, no matter when Easter was, the dogwoods would bloom in time for it. :)
ReplyDeleteHave a blessed day!
Your gardens and flowers - especially the azaleas - are lovely! The dogwood flowers are so delicate. Kind of reminds me of apple blossoms. What a beautiful bouquet of flowers from your husband! Very thoughtful.
ReplyDeleteI love your type of landscaping, Debby! There is so much natural beauty if we don't tame it so that we have to constantly mow it! I promise that if I ever meet you, I will NOT slap you. LOL Lovely photos of your woods. Hope you have a wonderful Easter with the family.
ReplyDelete🌱One blade of grass...hahahaha! Your rustic yard looks beautiful to me. What fun to be having those Tennesseans coming for Easter! A real blessing and I know that you will create a wonderful time of family and fun. Good food goes without saying. Then to enjoy time beside the sprig of grass...don't let Jim mow it!
ReplyDeleteWhat fun, Debby. We have SO much lawn to mow here. I mow over an acre and do it at least once a week-sometimes more in nice weather. Have fun with your Easter crew. I think we will visit my dd about 6 hours south of here for Easter this year. Hope you have a great Wednesday-xo Diana
ReplyDeleteLove the blade of grass! Enjoy your Easter with the Tennessee bunch!
ReplyDeleteThe Dogwoods are so pretty! I wish I had a few in my yard. Hugs and blessings, Cindy
ReplyDeleteOh, my dear friend, your photos have once again left me speechless. You could publish a book with just your pictures in it and it would be a top-seller!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the delightful post. Hugs to you!
My goodness your pictures are just breathtaking! Those roses..oh my! Somehow I can just picture your natural yard and it is JUST as I would love it. We had a cabin in the mountains when I was a girl and all of our surrounding grounds was just it's natural look and I soooo LOVED it. Not much can improve on God's work really. Enjoy that visit and time with family'1
ReplyDeleteBeautiful pictures indeed! Little speckles of green will soon spread into a forest! So glad to hear you got rain!
ReplyDeleteNatural is the way to go, less maintenance. We do have grass that my hubby has worked hard to grow, but thank goodness it's a manageable size. It's hard to get things to grow on dry pasture land. But, God has sure blessed us with trees, grass and flowers. Like we are the only ones on our road... Our little slice of heaven. So save that blade of grass!
Enjoy your Easter with the family!
Happy Wednesday my friend!
Hugs, Amy
Hi Debby! I think where you are in the forest sounds just gorgeous...and quiet and peaceful. I think I'd like that much more over a lush garden and grass. My husband despises cutting the grass, so I know he'd agree.
ReplyDeleteI can't say that I love yellow, but it's so dreary here these days, a yellow flower or two would really perk up the place. Here's hoping!
Love those photos that seem to shine light on the little flowers. Those are just gorgeous.
I think when you live in the woods (which we kind of do, without a lot of grass) then a natural landscape is pretty in it's own way. My hubs would landscape the forest if I let him : ) Happy Easter and enjoy your Tennessee family!
ReplyDeleteSuch a fun HodgePodge!
ReplyDeleteI like yellow very much and do use it in my house but I don't wear it!
You're going to love Easter with your whole family! It'll make it even more special!
I think your yard is gorgeous. A manicured lawn is overrated in my opinion.
ReplyDeleteGorgeous blog, great answers, and I am your newest follower!!!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much, Schotzy!
DeleteDebby, whenever I see those dainty dogwoods, I always think of you and yours, since your pics of them are always so pretty. The photo of the fence and the landscape beyond is magically alluring. I'm not one for overly manicured lawns, but give me a grassy meadow haphazardly strewn with wildflowers and I'm a happy camper.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing your charming surroundings!
I miss the dogwoods and the flowering plum trees. Azaleas are great. At one point in time the house I lived in in Spartanburg, South Carolina, had the largest azalea bush in the state. Several newspapers would come out each year and take its picture. The guy we sold it to cut it down the very first thing.
ReplyDeletei like a rustic yard okay but my husband would never have that. He's so into neatness and perfection and it is beautiful but requires a whole lot more work. But, we have such a small yard compared to the 2 1/2 acres we had before we built. Your pics are always so beautiful. Good answers!
ReplyDeleteGorgeous photos my friend!
ReplyDeleteThat's a really beautiful sight. I would love to wake up to that.
ReplyDeleteOh, I love those dogwood blossoms!!!!!! Loved reading your answers, too.
ReplyDeleteDebby, I love your photos. We love black-eyed Susans, too. In fact, we just bought some recently. We enjoy having a "rustic" lawn too, no manicured grass to worry about. We did not live here last spring, so it has been fun to see wild dogwoods in the woods blooming, etc. Hope you have a nice day.
ReplyDeleteLove your photos and it has been just lovely seeing Spring arrive in the Carolinas :-) I do believe there is more rain this year then last. :-) Wonderful that your family will be arriving for Easter!! Enjoy!! Have a wonderful day
Debby~ your landscaping sounds beautiful, even with one blade of grass. There's something glorious about the natural beauty of God's creation around us. We have a little of both around our mountain cabin, with the natural surrounding the perimeter. I love it!
ReplyDeleteYour dog woods are always gorgeous, thank you for sharing them with those of us who don't have the pleasure of their beauty. The only blossoming tree we have is a crab apple and for a short time it is beautiful.
Your husband knows how to pick lovely roses. :-)
Have a blessed Easter with the entire family!
God bless you, sweet friend~
Love the picture of dogwood... Like the pictures very much...
ReplyDeletePlease visit:
Debby, it is so pretty around your neck of the woods. And those roses, oh my! It's nice that you don't have a lot of grass to mow, that makes things easier.
ReplyDeleteHow special is your answer to the question, "what's the first thing that comes to mind." It's always a pleasure visiting with you, Debby, and seeing your fantastic photos.
Enjoyed your hodge and your dogwood photos are gorgeous (as are all of yours). I hope you have a wonderful Easter weekend with your family!
ReplyDeleteDebby your photographs are always a joy to see.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for sharing them with us.
Good wishes for April, and have an especially nice family Easter
All the best Jan
What a happy thing to look forward to for Easter! And I love your backyard! The photo of those sweet little flowers is beautiful! I do think a natural yard such as yours is so much prettier than a manicured and chemically-laden lawn. And that dogwood! How pretty!
ReplyDeleteWell, I envy you your weather. We had snow in the air today, and it is in the 30s and so gloomy! I am parked in front of a fire, and am pretty cozy right now.
xo Deborah
Oh Debby, your photos should be on notecards, and I always enjoy learning a little more about you through your answers. Enjoy getting ready for your family.
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad you enjoyed both my PINK kitchens! The little one is bits and bobs of things---some saved all these years from my childhood dollhouse (yes, the one in which I painted the kitchen walls pink with my Mother's bottle of Cutex PINK). And the BIG one was almost exactly that long coming, as well, through a long progression of yellows and greens and then a great seventies foray into BRADY ORANGE counter-tops which you could see from the moon.
ReplyDeleteWe finally got the real one two years ago, and since, I've been given quite a few pink kitchen items, so it's a study in roses and pastels, with all the utilitarian pieces hidden away in drawers and cabinets.
I love when you visit, and hope you're having a lovely SPRING!
I like the look of a natural garden. Less work, that's for sure! The first photo with the bright green leaves and the sunlight shining through looks like pieces of gold suspended in the air. Stunning!
ReplyDeleteYour photos are always so amazing, your using your new camera right? Now days most photos are done with our phones. I must say you always have such long answers to your questions on the HodgePodge... I have no words left most days and leaving comments or thinking of something to say is getting harder. My family would probably not agree with me LOL
ReplyDeleteHappy Week all Week long Blessed Easter to you and yours!!
Always, Roxy
Always enjoy your hodgepodge Debbie, you always make me laugh or smile or feel emotion of some kind! Had to laugh about that one blade of grass.. I might have one up on you... with my free ranging chickens, I don't have any grass at all, they eat it if it even tries to grow... my husband doesn't complain, not one big... so tell your husband a chicken or two would take care of that one blade of grass, lol! Hugs to you today :)
ReplyDeleteHow have I missed you on the Hodgepodge? I'm there every week and am just now meeting you? All-be-it a week late. I shall return because I had such a great time visiting with you today.