So it's Wednesday and time for another Hodgepodge.
I pray everyone is doing well and getting through this time of social distancing the best they can.
It seems to have become a new way of life, hasn't it?
And when this is all over, are you going to miss the term social distancing as much as I am?
(insert sarcasm here)
So over the weekend we planted us a little garden...

It doesn't look like much now (who knows, maybe it never will) but if all goes well,
there will be corn, pole beans, yellow and zucchini squash, cucumbers,
two varieties of tomatoes, sweet potatoes and later this summer,
I plan to try my hand at spinach and beets.
This should be interesting...
So enough of my babbling and let's head on over to the Hodgepodge....
...I think you know what to do. 😊
I pray everyone is doing well and getting through this time of social distancing the best they can.
It seems to have become a new way of life, hasn't it?
And when this is all over, are you going to miss the term social distancing as much as I am?
(insert sarcasm here)
So over the weekend we planted us a little garden...

It doesn't look like much now (who knows, maybe it never will) but if all goes well,
there will be corn, pole beans, yellow and zucchini squash, cucumbers,
two varieties of tomatoes, sweet potatoes and later this summer,
I plan to try my hand at spinach and beets.
This should be interesting...
So enough of my babbling and let's head on over to the Hodgepodge....
...I think you know what to do. 😊
1. What's something you resolved to do this year?
First and foremost would be to get some definitive answers to these nagging health issues which have become the biggest thorn in my flesh for nearly a year a half. Of course, it's not anything that's in my control but let me just say that I'm doing everything I can do...the rest is up to the Great Physician. Secondly, to finally get somewhat settled here in our new surroundings in Tennessee...for months it seemed like we were just on a very l-o-n-g camping trip...without actually going anywhere.
Have you done it? I'd say that we are as settled as we can be here, now that we are actually on our property and will very soon be watching the farmhouse become a reality...God willing and the creek don't rise! Stay should be soon!
First and foremost would be to get some definitive answers to these nagging health issues which have become the biggest thorn in my flesh for nearly a year a half. Of course, it's not anything that's in my control but let me just say that I'm doing everything I can do...the rest is up to the Great Physician. Secondly, to finally get somewhat settled here in our new surroundings in Tennessee...for months it seemed like we were just on a very l-o-n-g camping trip...without actually going anywhere.
Have you done it? I'd say that we are as settled as we can be here, now that we are actually on our property and will very soon be watching the farmhouse become a reality...God willing and the creek don't rise! Stay should be soon!
2. Where do you go to find quietude?
Around here, quietude (I love that word) is in great abundance and is easily found...whether it's taking a leisurely stroll along the perimeter of the land, a hike into the Enchanted Forest...
Very soon, this lovely quietude will be replaced by the sounds of big trucks and heavy equipment so I will have to drift a little farther away to find it. I'm not complaining though.
3. A friend asked this question on her Facebook page and said I could borrow it for the're only allowed to buy 5 things at the grocery store, and all must start with the first letter of your first name. Whatcha' buying?
This was no easy feat! I thought this was going to be a piece of cake...hmmm...cake....nope that's a "c". So after much contemplation, here's my list...
*Dannon Light & Fit Yogurt
*Dried apricots
*Dark chocolate
*Dry cereal (aren't most cereals dry?)
*Dessert...(a.k.a. CAKE!)
4. The television show Survivor, the Gloria Gaynor song 'I Will Survive', survival mode, survival of the fittest...pick one and discuss.
Honestly, none of these really fit who I am. Now if you want to literally take the title of the Gloria Gaynor song, "I Will Survive", I'll go with that option...because I will! 👍
5. Share a favorite quote or saying about strength.
5. Share a favorite quote or saying about strength.
And after you have suffered a little while,
the God of all grace, who has called you to his
eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore,
confirm, strengthen and establish you.
1 Peter 5:10
6. Insert your own random thought here.
For the past several days, we had been having trouble with the thermostat in the RV. It would either go all the way up to 90 (even on cool) or would just turn off or on inadvertently. We tried resetting it to no avail...that sucker seemed to have a mind of it's own! So after a bit more tinkering with the controls, I took off the cover....and what did I find? Are you ready?
For the past several days, we had been having trouble with the thermostat in the RV. It would either go all the way up to 90 (even on cool) or would just turn off or on inadvertently. We tried resetting it to no avail...that sucker seemed to have a mind of it's own! So after a bit more tinkering with the controls, I took off the cover....and what did I find? Are you ready?
All of a sudden, I had yet ANOTHER reason to despise stink bugs! No more problems...except for a few of those little monsters who refuse to leave. 😖
So that's it for me until next time...and I'll have to miss the party next week.
I'll be traveling to Duke in NC on Thursday for several appointments over the next week
and an essential procedure that cannot be rescheduled...kinda scary right now, I know.
The first thing I am not looking forward to getting tested for COVID19...
I wonder if it's as awful as they say it is? But a necessary evil, just the same.
I do so covet your prayers, dear friends!
♥Hugs to all!♥