As some of you know, I am pretty much a newbie at this blogging stuff. Back in June, after being inspired by so many great blogs that I had been reading, I decided to try my hand at it—a way of sharing some of my photos and thoughts.
In January of 2013...almost exactly one year ago, I had my eyes opened...literally...after having early onset and fast growing cataracts removed from both my eyes. My vision was already quite compromised due to having other issues since childhood and the cataracts drastically compounded those issues. After about a year and a half and numerous attempts to tweak my prescription lenses, a whole new world was opened up to me. Praise the Lord, my vision is now better than I remember it being in many, many years. It was like I was seeing everything for the very first time. I had always been quite the shutterbug but hadn't taken many photos for a while due to my dimmed and blurred vision. The vivid colors and brightness and clarity of the world just astounds me!
This was my facebook post (and my selfie :)) the afternoon after I walked out with my new glasses:
So....finally after about a year and a half of living in a very blurry world, I can see every leaf and branch on every tree, read the license plates of the cars in front of me, see all road signs and everything else one normally sees on any given day. Never again will I ever take my eyesight for granted. My eyes are healed and I got my new glasses today! Being able to finally see clearly was quite an emotional experience for me and I am so grateful! Praise God from whom ALL blessings flow!
After that, I began to notice the smallest of details that I had missed and wanted to capture the wonder of it all so I began snapping photos here, there and everywhere! I guess I became sort of consumed by it all and I wanted...I needed...a creative outlet. So began "My Favorite Things". Within a few weeks, I actually had a few followers and I was stunned that anyone would give my little blog a second look. Through my posts and photographs, my intent is to bring glory to my Father, not to myself.
Here's a look back at some samplings from my 2013 posts...June through December.
In June, I started getting up close and personal with weeds and chasing sunsets.

In June, I started getting up close and personal with weeds and chasing sunsets.

I took you on a tour of our mountain get-away in Fancy Gap, Virginia...

...I showed you how I repurposed linens purchased from Goodwill...
...and the Dollar Store into making cute aprons...
...was reminded by a leaf about beauty in living and in dying...
...and brought you my "stump garden"...among a few other things.
...came and found me singing the blues...
...searching for and finding precious jewels...
...and being reminded of where I was going and where I have been.
I went on yet another trip down memory lane...
... a nature walk with my best friend, Jesus...

...and we saw lots of these fuzzy little guys...
...and as we were having a wonderful time, I further realized I'd rather have him than anything...
...or anyone.
I was also made aware of what my life would be without Him...
...when I saw this abandoned house. Empty.
...ah yes...October...spilling over with vibrant color galore...
...the farmer's markets abounding with goodness...
...the leaves...oh yes, the leaves...and tons of acorns.
And we certainly can't forget about the decorations!

We had fun times on a foggy Blue Ridge Parkway with the grands, too!
October...also a bittersweet time, with the passing of my dear Aunt Clara...
...she had just celebrated her 103rd birthday the month before.
There was also that foggy morning when I was reminded Who gives me my direction.
And as the last of the leaves had fallen, the frosty mornings came... was getting close to, know...
December... much to little time!
...remembering why we do this...
...remembering... He is the Light of the world!
Which brings us up to...
Happy New Year!
I want to take this opportunity to say thank you to those of you who have encouraged me and decided to follow. Never did I imagine how communicating with other ladies...from all over the place...could bless me like it has. Your blogs have inspired me, convicted me and taught me that as Sisters in Christ, we can all learn so much from each other. I do feel a kindred spirit with many of you and I want to thank you for your support and encouragement! I pray that 2014 brings forth wonderful things as God's blessings overflow!

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